Artista, pintor y escultor, nacido en Escocia( 1924 – 2005), estudiante del Edinburgh College of Art, St Martins School of Art y la Slade School of Art en Londres. Fundador del Independent group, se consideraba surealista, pero también precursor del movimiento británico de Pop Art en los años 50 y 60. Dona en vida mucha obra a la Scotish National Gallery y posteriormente su Fundacion dona el contenido de su estudio a la Tate de Londres. Para sus esculturas normalmente utilizaba objetos “encontrados” de todo tipo; juguetes, piezas de motor, trozos de madera, tenedores, relojes y los prensaba en una base de arcilla para crear un negativo. Creaba un molde de cera y luego una pieza en bronce. Pocas esculturas salen al mercado. Unas pocas realizadas en bronce de tamaño pequeño como las que ofrecemos las realizó personalmente en 1955 (hasta 1959) en una fundición casera montada en el jardín de la casa de Dorothy Morland en Hampstead, Londres. Las esculturas de tamaño más grande se realizaron en fundiciones profesionales.*****Artist, painter and sculptor, born in Scotland (1924 - 2005), a student at the Edinburgh College of Art, St Martins School of Art and the Slade School of Art in London. Founder of the Independent group, he considered himself a realist, but also a forerunner of the British Pop Art movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He donated much of his work to the Scotish National Gallery and later his Foundation donates the content of his studio to Tate London . For his sculptures he normally used “found” objects of all kinds; toys, motor parts, pieces of wood, forks, watches and pressed them into a clay base to create a negative. He created a wax mold and then a bronze piece. Few sculptures go on the market. A few made in small-size bronze like the ones we offer were personally made in 1955 (until 1959) in a home foundry set up in the garden of Dorothy Morland's home in Hampstead, London. The largest sculptures were made in professional foundries. |